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Re: Permissions

On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 04:10:27PM -0500, Johann Koenig wrote:
> On Tuesday February 10 at 12:14pm
> Paul Morgan <paulswm@earthlink.net> wrote:
> > You could always get them from your latest backup *cough*
> Some stuff, in places like /var/, I neglect to backup. In a case like
> this, where some files need special permissions (only readable by root,
> world writable, etc) your out of luck. Also, unless there is a way to
> batch--reinstall, /bin/ and /sbin/ become a problem (I also neglect to
> back those up)

Janovo backup FAQs snippet (with thoung in cheek):

Q: Why should I backup?
A: If you don't backup, you don't backup, so you don't have backups.  If
   you do backup, you do backup, and therefore you *do* have backups.

Q: Why should I backup /bin?
A: If you don't backup, you don't backup, so you don't have backups.  If
   you do backup, you do backup, and therefore you *do* have backups.


Jan Minar                   "Please don't CC me, I'm subscribed." x 9

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