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Re: Setting up a text-telephone shell server

> I was wondering what I would need to be able to set up a program
> on my Debian machine that would let me dial home and then spawn a
> shell over the connection, allowing me to enter commands with the
> TTY keyboard.

Install the mgetty package and configure it to run on the serial port that has the modem. Check /etc/inittab for an example configuration.

You want something like:

  T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100

... where ttyS0 is the device name for COM1, the first serial port.

This is the way that dial-up systems were configured before PPP/PAP became popular. If you wish to offer a terminal and PPP on the same port, then enable AutoPPP in the /etc/mgetty/login.config file.

You may have problems with terminal emulation and the TTY/TTD hardware. This is an issue with terminfo (or termcap), not mgetty.


0doesnotexist@nyc.rr.com wrote:

Hello all,

In my travels I've seen quite a few TTY/TTD-enabled payphones at subways and
airports, phones designed to assist the deaf that pop out a keyboard when
they recieve a certain series of tones.  I was wondering what I would need
to be able to set up a program on my Debian machine that would let me dial
home and then spawn a shell over the connection, allowing me to enter
commands with the TTY keyboard.  I understand that I would need a
Baudot-compatible modem to be able to set this up; does anyone know any
additional information on how to do this?


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