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Re: Has anyone ever thought of getting the reply-to changed?

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On Fri, Feb 06, 2004 at 07:46:56PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
>     Oh, fun fact.  I worked in a national ISP where both the director of my 
> department and manager of my group had the same administrative assistant. 
> You'd think that in a national ISP, one that was heavily unix based at 
> that, also one that was driven on email you'd see such technical wonders at 
> work.  3 years, never once saw it.  That's how useful it is in the real 
> world.  She was CC'd, she was told face-to-face to email us.  Never... 
> once... was repiy-to used.

You may be unique in this.  Many other people have posted many
examples of reply-to being used legitimately.

> Now you expect me to believe that the mutlitude of PHBs in non-IT
> related fields are going to appreciate the wonderous workings of
> reply-to.

Believe what you will, you're entrenched beyond reason right now to
the point where you won't even believe other people's first-hand
experience in far more luser-heavy environments (trust me, tech
support houses have normally clueful people that get knocked down a
few notches by the end of the day from the telebogodynamic rift that
causes morons to call in.  8:o)

> See that bridge over yonder?  Ya want it?  It's for sale.

The Marquam Bridge?  That one on I-5 that has several hundred tons
greater than it's designed capacity on it 14 hours a day, and has two
more lanes in each direction than it was designed for?  Hell no, I
won't even drive on it.  That POS is due to drop into the Willamette
any time now... Taking I-405 to US-30 is faster because everybody
slows down whiteknuckling the steering wheel going across the Marquam

- -- 
 .''`.     Paul Johnson <baloo@ursine.ca>
: :'  :    
`. `'`     proud Debian admin and user
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fix a system
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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