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Re: Debain on the rise ! - However ....

Incoming from rthoreau@iwon.com:
> I happen to agree with Monique on this one, if something is off topic, or
> does not get your attention skip it. When you read a magazine do you read every
> article, front to back, use the same method here.

A magazine tends to stay relatively the same size from issue to issue.
A mailing list, however, tends to grow and grow both in size and off
topic if not pruned regularly.  That's why you'll see loud outbursts
from people when they see off topic posts, FAQs, and things that could
(and should) have been solved elsewhere.

To keep the list relevant to its stated purpose and continually usable
for those who want or need it, surgery has to happen from time to
time.  The trick is to know who is just confused and needs directions,
and who should know better and needs a smack upside the head.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)               http://www.spots.ab.ca/~keeling 
- -

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