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Re: Debain on the rise ! - However ....


At 03:35 PM 2/2/04 -0500, you wrote:
I think you read a bit more into that post than was intended. Who says
you are a "genuine newbie"? Didn't you say you've been running RedHat
for a year? If the shoe doesnt fit, don't wear it.

Fair enough, but I thought it *did* fit! I *am* a newbie to Debian, and my experience with Linux SysAdmin-in-general on RH9 just doesn't qualify me to find a way to install Debian on my test system.

Look, this list is made up of people just like yourself. We post
questions about problems we have and help others with problems we are
knowlegeable enough to answer. If I dont have a clue, dont have time, or
am not interested in the problem, I dont post a reply. So what? So maybe
no one had a nice neet answer for you.

Yes, I know. I think maybe that now *you're* reading more into it ;-) . Really, I'm eternally grateful for all the *great* help I've found on various open-source lists ("Vim" is a good example). I wasn't knocking the quality of the *helpers* here, I was just pointing-out that for a (Debian) newbie like me---with a well-formed, non-trivial question---the quality of *received help* appears to suffer from the gigantic traffic load of this list! Honestly, I don't know how *any* willing "helper" would have the time to scan all these messages...

I didnt, I've never seen a card
such as the one you were using, yet I took the time to make a suggestion
about what you could try. I even checked back to see if there was any
update on that thread. Unfortunatly, you didnt reply to the thread, and
as a result, I didnt even see the updated message until after reading
this email.

I'm sorry; that's completely my fault. I just *assumed* that you would notice the newer message. This is, unfortunately, just a consequence of my greatly-inferior, *non-threading* e-mail client! Some day, I'll make the switch to Mutt on my Linux machine, and Eudora and M$ will just be one, big, unhappy memory!

So, you didnt get a whole pile of quick fix answers? it happens.

I dont see this as so unfortunate for debian. Debian is not a business,
and does not require a large user base to occomplish its purposes, they
create a distribution that is intended to be free, stable, and
managable, and if you like that, and want to use it, great! If you
prefer RedHat, Gentoo, Suse,  whatever, great! Use them and be happy.

Of course, you are correct. I just have this problem of having a natural tendency to want to find the "best" solution, and I then usually want that solution to "succeed". Your point that Debian does not require a growing user-base puts my inherent attitude in perspective.

you are using Free software, I'm happy for you. If you would really like
to use debian in particular, then persist. Ask me how to compile and
install a kernel, look it up on google, use mainboard's onboard

Yeah, but... Honestly, though, at what point does the effort outweigh the benefits? I *wanted* to run Debian, but if it requires more support than other distributions (completely unsubstantiated(!), but possible(?)) and each posted question requires several re-posts---and I *still* wonder if there was someone who had an easy answer but didn't catch my post in the 300 that came today---then it's probably not worth it to me. Maybe Debian is happy to be a distribution that requires a certain level of knowledge; personally, though, my desire would be to decrease that required level as far as reasonably possible.


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