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Re: USB Webcams and Linux cron jobs?

On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 09:38:01AM -0500, Robert L. Harris wrote:
>   I'm looking at setting up a webcam up in my boy's room so I can
> monitor them from downstairs when they have friends over (4 and 6yrs old
> can get rambunctious).  I want to set up something small and quiet so I
> don't have to run up there and disturb them but also know they're not
> killing each other.
>   I've got a network up there for their computers and an old laptop
> that's almost dead (bad backlight atleast) but it boots.  It has a
> working USB port so all I need is a custom kernel and camera.  The
> kernel I can handle so I just need to pick a camera.
>   Anyone have any recomendations for a $20 or less camera incase it gets
> damaged, etc?
> This looks nice but it's got a small resolution (352x288).
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2779804548&category=4616

I use a "Labtec Webcam" for this sort of thing. It too has a small
resolution but it's perfectly adequate for a visual "mayhem/no mayhem"
check. The driver is from <http://qce-ga.sourceforge.net> and they also list
other cheapie webcams using the same chipset (mostly Logitech IIRC).


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