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Hmmm, I've gotten LDAP auth working before. I'm far from expert. First I pulled our information from our NIS server into an LDAP server, then I just went into nsswitch.conf and stuck ldap before files for everything pretty much. Or if the Linux machine was already configured as an nis client, just replace nis with ldap.

I do not recall messing with pam_ldap for this one. On an unrelated note, I have worked with pam_X before and found it very very very difficult and not intuitive even AFTER puzzling over the docs. I'm sorry I cannot help you more than that, hopefully the first solution will work (with pam_unix). Good luck!


Brandon Yap wrote:

Anyone have any ideas ?
Surely someone must have gotten this to work before.


Brandon Yap wrote:

My goal is to get ProFTPD to auth against LDAP.
I'm using the proftpd-ldap package in stable Debian Woody.
My problem is that no matter what I put in /etc/proftpd.conf, it won't
auth against LDAP. Even editing /etc/pam.d/proftpd and replacing every
instance of pam_unix.so with pam_ldap.so doesn't work.
I know my ldap install works because Cyrus is currently authing against it.
Has anyone gotten this to work successfully ? If so, I would greatly
appreciate any advice on steps taken to achieve this.

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