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Re: stat question

Elie De Brauwer wrote:

a) do you have the coreutils package installed (which provides the stat binary on my machine

b) that is not true, there are manpages for a whole lot of file, for example if you have the mesa development files installed you have the manpages for all Opengl functions available. On my system i have two separate stat manpage i have man 1 stat (this describes the command like i pasted below)
man 2 stat
(which describes the stat system calls which you can use in c/c++ (and probably other) programs to get information about files on you system.)

helios@kafka:~$ dpkg -S /usr/share/man/man2/stat.2.gz
manpages-dev: /usr/share/man/man2/stat.2.gz
elios@kafka:~$ dpkg -S /usr/share/man/man1/stat.1.gz
coreutils: /usr/share/man/man1/stat.1.gz

As you can see both manpages (which have the same name but cover different topics) are originating from different packages, so normally installing coreutils should provide you with the binary you need.


Thanks for the clarification on man pages ...

I don't appear to have the coreutils package installed.
Something tells me I am missing something obvious but !

debian:/home/web# apt-cache gencaches
Reading Package Lists... Done
debian:/home/web# apt-cache search coreutils

and from aptitude a search for coreutils provides zip, running debian woody

OK what am I missing !

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