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apt-get, KDE, and gnomemeeting


I'm trying to run gnomemeeting(version greater than
0.12) and Debian KDE at the same time, but when I try
to upgrade gnomemeeting (I only find upgrades from
USA/unstable), I get (from apt-get install) a message
saying that in order to do this, it has to get rid of
KDE.  (I'm running the 2.4.18 Linux kernel with
Debian, and my /etc/apt/sources.list started with only
stable but now I have done a 'dist-upgrade' to

I am using the 'apt-get' instructions from
(section 3.8) for a mixed system... so now my
/etc/apt/sources.list has a source for unstable debian
packages. (I need the unstable for gnomemeeting.)  I
had thought that using 'apt-get -t unstable install
gnomemeeting' should pull all necessary packages that
would need to be upgraded (including KDE)...however
instead KDE would be removed, when I try this command.
 If someone could please clarify the problem for me, I
would appreciate it.  (I am not using apt pinning,
instead I am attempting to maintain a mixed system.)

According to the debian bug-fix maintainer for
gnomemeeting, I definitely should be able to use
gnomemeeting 0.96 with KDE 3.1.... I don't want to
bother him anymore with my questions, especially since
he directed that I should ask any further questions of
this email list (and previously, the gnomemeeting
mailing list, actually the gnomemeeting author
himself, had directed me to take my question to Jose

Thank you for any clarification,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 21:45:51 +0100
From: Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo <jsogo@debian.org>
To: Lori Flynn <lori@cse.ucsc.edu>
Subject: Re: gnomemeeting 0.96 bug

On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 09:58:09AM -0800, Lori Flynn
> Hi Jose Carlos,
> I'm sorry for bothering you.  I asked on the
gnomemeeting webpage and the
> gnomemeeting author wrote me, as below, and Damien
Sandras said to report
> my problem as a bug.

 As I see you're trying to get gnomemeeting from
unstable, but using KDE
 from stable at the same time. For doing that, you
need to use apt
 pinning [1] but as we're doing a gcc transition in
unstable, which
 means ABI changes, you can face some nasty errors
when doing this
 (mostly in KDE as it's a C++ program, which are
affected by ABI

 If you want to move to unstable you have to issue
some commands [2] before installing gnomemeeting. I'm
sure you'll face some minor
 problem, because upgrading from stable to unstable is
not tested.

 For more info about how to do this, you should write

 If you find another problem, please, let me know.

    and man apt.conf


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