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Re: dial-up to ethernet

mmissett wrote:

 /etc/network/interfaces has the following:
I'd recommend you actually post the file, rather than describing it.

first, it says the connection is static, which it isn't, it's DHCP. It says the address is (The Mac OS, on which the connection is working fine, says [or, sometimes, 101]). netmask is (Mac agrees), network is (Mac says router address is; broadcast is, and gateway is So, do I need to rewrite this file to make it correspond as much as possible to what the Mac is telling me? Especially about DHCP?
You'll want one that looks something like this:

# /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)

# The loopback interface
# automatically added when upgrading
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The first network card - this entry was created during the Debian installation
# automatically added when upgrading
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

#iface eth0 inet dhcp

Notice that my IP is static. If I wanted it to be dhcp, I'd comment out the static stanza (all 6 lines) and uncomment the single dhcp line, and then restart networking ("/etc/init.d/networking restart", although I've had better success with stop/start instead of restart on this networking script).

"ifconfig" (I guess naturally) gives most of this same info. "route" gives only localnet (which /etc/networks defines as, "dmesg" does have a line in it: eth0 warning ! Unsupported BCM5400 PHY

Hmm; I suspect this is just some feature of your network card/chipset, and can probably be safely ignored. But then again . . . .

DNS is not the problem, it won't reach anybody (except it will ping numerically either. When I try to do "/sbin/route add -net" I get 'invalid argument". "add default gw..." gives "lookup failure". Something I read says to rewrite the /etc/init.d/network file. Unfortumately, there is no such file.

This advice is probably for some other distro. Ignore it.

Did I cover everything? One (hopefully simple) question I'm still left with is: how do internet apps, from ping to Mozilla, know I'm not using ppp/ttyX any more but eth0 over a network? I'm *not* using ppp, am I? (certainly pppconfig doesn't seem to know what an eth0 is)
 And, last but not least, what am I doing wrong?

I suspect your problem is in /etc/network/interfaces, as mentioned above. I suspect it's defining a static address (as you imply), which is not a correct address for working with your network. Changing it to work with dhcp and restarting your network will probably get you on your way.

P.S. a new kernel is interesting (and may, of course, even prove to be necessary), but a bit complicated given my boot set up. Needs to be a separate subject, though, I think.
Yes, it needs to be a separate subject. Thank you for realizing that. Keeping threads on one topic helps people searching the archives later (as well as keeping current readers from going "Huh?!"

And you probably don't need to get a new kernel anyway.

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