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Re: Script for subscribing/unsubscribing Debian-user?

Karsten M. Self wrote:
on Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 11:57:05PM +0100, Andreas von Heydwolff (pirmin2@gmx.net) wrote:

Just wondering - is it possible to write a script for mailing a few initial subscribe or unsubscribe messages for one's favorite lists to the server managing the listmembers or does this process depend on the web page/cgi or whatever?

Not that it is all too much work via the web page, but typing a small command that does it all in a jiffy before leaving town for a week or while unpacking the bag upon one's return would be nice.

There _are_ the bulk-action pages:


Otherwise, a sketch of a bash script:


    # Bulk actions on mailing lists (using MajorSmart syntax)

    # Pick an appropriate action.  See:
    # http://www.infodrom.org/projects/majorsmart/
    # ACTION='unsubscribe'

    # example of lists, change to suit
    LISTS="debian-user debian-devel debian-security
    for LIST in $LISTS
        echo "$LIST: $ACTION"
        echo "$ACTION" |
            mutt -s "$ACTION" $LIST-request@lists.debian.org

You'd still need to respond to the verification messages later, possibly
via a procmail rule, though I'd discourage this.

While you don't need a body on the mail, I find it can be a useful


Thanks - that's just what I was imagining!


-- AvH

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