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Re: disabling inetd

On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 06:44:52PM -0800, Vineet Kumar wrote:
> * Initech (initech@r00tserverz.net) [031212 13:42]:
> > On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 01:20:42PM -0600, Rick Weinbender wrote:
> > > I've heard that the inetd process is not very secure.
> > 
> > update-rc.d -f inetd remove
> > 
> > (note: this is the way you modify init scripts in debian)
> note: this is _not_ the way you modify init scripts in debian.
> still think it an important myth to shoot down each time I see it,
> because the only way I can figure that anyone thinks that 'update-rc.d
> -f inetd remove' is a reasonable thing to do is because they saw someone
> else suggest it here without being corrected.  I guess it sounds kind of
> like update-menus or update-modules, so people think it's "The Debian
> Way" of managing sysvinit rc.d boot directories.
Hi Vineet, I recall someone saying that update-rc.d was for interal use.
So what is a better way other than removing the service. People
'discovered' the update-rc.d supposedly because they couldin't find a
'debian' way to do it as I can tell from the number of people making 
various and sundry queries on this list. Is there a README or FAQ that
points this out. TIA. ;-).

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