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Re: Can't get jabber to start on installation

On Fri, Dec 12, 2003 at 03:02:24AM -0800, Doctorcam wrote:
> I have managed to get jabber installed, and running it from the command
> line seems to work fine, following the instructions in the 1.4.x
> administration guide.

Which user did you run it as?

> Trying to get dpkg to finish installing it, however, or (more
> specifically) trying to run it from the init.d script is another matter.

Did the initial installation fail?  
Which package version are you using?

> The script runs fine up to this portion, and then dies:
> if pidof $DAEMON > /dev/null 2>&1; then
>    echo "$NAME."

That is checking to see that the server actually started and stayed

> In fact, it does (I stuck a few "echos" into the script to track
> progress), though sometimes it endures past the failure of the script,
> and sometimes it does not.

This is a known problem with the 1.4.x jabber daemon.  If it exits for a
bad configuration it will frequently leave it's PID file behind and then
fail to start again because the PID file exists.  The init script in the
Debian package works around this by checking for a stale PID file (and
removing it if it can) before launching the daemon.

> When it has endured, the owner was daemon,
> and permissions were 755
> /var/run/jabber has jabber:nogroup permissions 755

Looks like you're using the -12 package?  Can you provide the output of
the following commands:

ls -ld /var/run/jabber
ls -l /var/run/jabber

Jamin W. Collins

To be nobody but yourself when the whole world is trying it's best night
and day to make you everybody else is to fight the hardest battle any
human being will fight. -- E.E. Cummings

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