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Re: Linux is not for consumers!

scripsit Roberto Sanchez:
> I'm sorry but you are way off base.  A lawyer that does pro bono work,
> or a doctor that volunteers at a public clinic, is not absolved of
> maintaining proper documentation (case files or medical charts).  

Just to offer a different perspective:  One might conceive of
programming and writing accessible documentation as being substantially
different endeavours.  In that case, the analogy might be that we're
criticizing the lawyer doing pro bono work for not also volunteering at
a public clinic.

It's an imperfect analogy, and I'm not sure I believe that they really
are such separate endeavours, but it's something to contemplate.

Pax vobiscum; pax cum omnibus.
Thanasis Kinias
tkinias at asu.edu
Doctoral Student, Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.

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