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Portable Ogg Vorbis player

Hi all,

I've been looking for a portable MP3 player for a while.  That is to
say, one that plays .ogg files.  I have about 750 CD's, of which about
200 are ripped in ogg and I'm not going back.  :)

I have just got home with an iRiver iHP-120.  Plays ogg out of the box.
And also mp3, wma, wav, asf (as if) for the masochists amongst us.
USB 2.0 (which seems very fast - I'm rsync'ing my music folder with the
player and the speed files are going by at looks like about 3-5MB/sec).
It can also record, has an FM radio, and looks like the nuts.

It appears as a USB Mass Storage Device, hence is a doddle to copy to
and from.  The included software is for Windows, and is a jukebox
manager (which anyone with well organised folders will find useless),
and a tag database creator.  That is kind of useful.  It's much nicer to
sort through songs by artist/album/title rather than relying on
well-organised and named folders.

As usual, some bright spark has prodcued a Linux version of the database
creator - see http://www.marevalo.net/iRipDB/.

I know this message is kind of off-topic, but I feel this item will
appeal to any Debianista.
http://www.iriver.com/product/info.asp?p_name=iHP-120  :)

A (no affiliation etc)

PS The command I use to sync my music is:

rsync -v -r --size-only --include*/ --include*.m3u --include*.ogg
--include*.mp3 --exclude* ~/music /usbkey

where /usbkey is my mount point for the device.

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