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Re: Installing Smarty through apt-get

Hello Francisco!

On Fri, Nov 28, 2003 at 10:17:09PM -0700, Francisco Castellon wrote:
I wanting to install the smarty on my system, however I ran a "apt-cache
search smarty" and I found nothing. However, I googled and found some
sites that have the package including:


would it just be a matter of me adding the previous site to my sources
file, and I will be able to install it? or is there something else I
have to do? if there is a better way of doing this, I appreciatte the
heads up, I would really like to use apt though since it is pretty
simple to install packages that way. thanx!

Since your apt-cache search didn't bring up any results I guess either
your sources.list is not set up sufficiently or you are simply running
Woody. Hm, or even both...

In the former case add something like
|deb http://ftp.ca.debian.org/debian/ <yourflavorhere> main
to your /etc/apt/source.list.

In the latter case you have two choices: As smarty hasn't been (and
won't ever be) released for Woody you can either add a backport line
to your sources.list
|deb http://debian.jones.dk woody misc
or use the version from testing/unstable from the archive you've found
and install it directly using dpkg, according to its dependencies it
should install just fine as long as you have apache (v1!) and php4


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