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Re: What do I need to to be abe to buld Gnome apps from source?

On Sun, 26 Oct 2003 at 17:40 GMT, stan penned:
> I've got a "testing" machine that I'm setting up for work, and I'm
> probably going to need to make some mods to one of the apps I plan on
> using "gspy".
> It's a Gnome app, and I'm having troubel building it.  here's how it's
> failing:
> checking for gnomeConf.sh file in /usr/local/lib... not found
> configure: error: Could not find the gnomeConf.sh file that is
> generated by gnome-libs install
> Thats when I run autogen.sh.
> What do I need to do to be able to build Gnome apps on this machine?

I seem to remember having this problem in the past, and I seem to
remember it being a difference in how different major revisions of gnome
expect to be built.  Like, gnome 1 vs. 2?  I also seem to remember that
the file/package names for some gnome libraries in debian were different
than I expected.

I tried to build some gnome apps for cygwin and eventually gave up: the
dependencies list for some gnome apps is huge, and on cygwin
availability can be an issue.  I'm sure that someone with greater need
would have found a way, but I wasn't that person.

Not sure how much of what I just said was on-topic, but good luck!

Unless you need to share ultra-sensitive super-spy stuff with me, please
don't email me directly.  I will most likely see your post before I read
your mail, anyway.

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