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Re: Where to announce?

On Wednesday October 22 at 11:13pm
smurfd <smurfd@smurfnet.homelinux.net> wrote:

> name : apt-state
> what it does : apt-state gives you the possibillity to 'save' or
> 'apply' a "state" of packages installed. ie. lets say you have gone
> through the process to finaly get all the packages you want installed,
> then you can save a list of all the packages installed, to lateron be
> able to apply the list of packages when you re-install your system.
> And lets say you have a network of a number of machines, and want the
> same "base" of packages installed on all of them, you would simply
> 'apply' the list you saved from the 1st machine.

Not to bust your bubble or anything, but it basically does 'dpkg
--get-selections' and 'dpkg --get-selections'?
-johann koenig
My public pgp key: http://mental-graffiti.com/pgp/johannkoenig.pgp

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