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Re: Debian-based distros ??

stan wrote:

A general wor of wisdom here, for what it's worth.

I once made the mistake of allowing myself to be sucked in by the siren
song of these offshot distors. As a result I am stuck with 2 machines (one
at home, and one at work), bith of which I still actively use, but can't,
in any reasonable way, update.

Both machines were, at one time, lot's nicer than the Debian mainstream at
that tiem.

In mycase it was Progey, who sure looked like they would be around :-(

So why can't you update?

I ask because I've installed via libranet and knoppix (as well as the usual debian installer), and I haven't had this problem.

Sure, knoppix jumped the gun on packageing X 4.3 and I had a couple minor problems with it, but it was easily fixed. Further the dist-upgrade to sid was a little bumpy, but thats to be expected anyhow.

Are you saying that you cant upgrade to stable? Just wondering what the problem was.

I've known people running testing who've backed out to stable, so there must be a way you can 'get back on track' so to speak. Then again, your definition of reasonable may differ from mine.


Mental (Mental@NeverLight.com)

"The Torah...  The Gospels...  The Koran...
Each claimed as the infallible word of GOD.
Misquoted, misinterpreted, misunderstood, and misapplied.
Maybe that's why he doesn't do any more interviews." - sinfest.net


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