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Re: mailing list

Pascal Hakim wrote:

You're in luck... I wrote a bit of code last night to keep a copy
of the last bounce message we've received from all addresses.

<shad@mail.kubtelecom.ru>: host relay1.kubtelecom.ru[] said: 554
   Message rejected due to its POSSIBLE SPAM CONTENTS (#5.3.2)

The bounce handler just sees that you are bouncing messages. You
are not the only one in this situation, there are quite a few other
people getting kicked off debian lists because of this problem,
but there's no easy solution in sight.

It's ironic isn't it, we have people turning ugly because they can't figure out how to unsubscribe and all that's required is to let your mailbox get full or have some mail bounce.

As one of the "quite a few others" kicked off the list due to bounced mail, I've contacted my ISP and asked why and how much of my mail they're bouncing. While they've been quite cordial, they've also not been much help. All they can tell me is that the "standard spam filter" (whatever the hell that is) must be rejecting my mail.

One question they asked was if I could supply a copy of a bounced message. Can I?
Or did you write that last bit of code two late for me?


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