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Re: logins and logouts hang

On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 09:18:06PM +0200, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> ..uhmmm, yep, sounds like you spun it up _good_.  You probably fried 
> the motor or the fan bearings, in the former case you can blow the 
> fan up to speed with any kind of smokers lungs, in the latter case it 
> won't turn over without liberal use of your canned up air.  
> Either way, replace it.  ;-)

Oh, man, a whole new psu?  Well, no CDs for my birthday *this* year. :(
Thankfully, my birthday money is coming in 'cause my birthday is next
Tuesday.  Or can I just replace the fan?  I have another psu sitting around
here and its fan is perfectly fine, it's just a mite underpowered  to put in
this computer.  But do you think I should try to swap fans, or would I
prolly kill myself?

> ..your air compressor, is also useable for truck tires or diver 
> air bottles, or just to "redust" your place?  Air is _fun_.  ;-)  
> My advice next time, is Moderation[Tm].  ;-)

Um, it has a tire attachment, I just found out this weekend.  My parents use
it for everything from blowing up bike tires to cleaning dust out of the
computers to cleaning dust out of ceramic molds. *shrug*  I assumed it was
safe, since my dad said so.  *sigh*  Shouldn't have aimed it at the psu, eh?

Vikki Roemer        Homepage: http://neuromancer.homelinux.com/
Registered Linux user #280021   http://counter.li.org/

You know you've been hacking too long when...
    ...you try to bring a window to the front of something, then
    you realize that the "something" is a post-it on your screen. 

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