Re: Network Rail - UK business opportunity for the Debian Community
On (15/09/03 22:51), Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> > I'm sending this to the list because my message to you bounced.
> .Shri's NetRail list announcement should come any minute now,
> I'm #2 enlisted. ;-)
Thanks for the update Arnt.
I've taken the liberty of changing the subject line and thought a brief
sysnopsis and outline plan may be useful.
Pigeon has alerted the list to a potential opportunity for members of
the Debian community. Network Rail (the UK based rail infrastructure
operator) is planning to replace all its Windows NT systems (MS is
ceasing support in November).
Some half dozen or so have expressed interest in pursuing this and Arnt
has asked Shri to create a specific mailing list to share ideas and
information (see above).
I have suggested that anyone interested in contributing sends a brief
note on their experience and expertise together with an indication of
which aspects of the bid and/or assignment they feel they could best
help with.
Depending on volume, I would be happy to ask my partner, Maggie, to i
put these pages up on a site/page at
but would welcome a better solution from someone else. We are currently
v. busy and I'm concerned that the pages wouldn't go up quickly enough
to maintain momentum.
Once these elements are in place, interested parties (individuals or
companies) can submit information for the website and subscribe to the
mailing list. After that it is up to the team that evolves to agree the
way forward.
So, if you are interested we need:
1. Someone to host the project website
2. Resumes and indications of expertise/interest
Thanks to all who have participated so far ;)
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