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Re: Traction (was Re: OT: Debian Mailinglist server slow?)

On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 05:24, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 04:44:56AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > Hmmmm, I wonder where diesel oil comes from?  Ooo, ooo, I know!
> > Diesel oil comes from the Diesel Oil Fairy, who comes around pumping
> > it into filling station tanks every night!!!!
> Where did I question where diesel came from?

>From your previous email: "(not to mention the US a military threat
to anybody producing oil)".

That statement infers that if we were to start using diesel, we 
would not need as much oil.

> > And poorly maintained diesel engines burn soooooo much cleaner than
> > gasoline engines, why it just takes my breath away! <NOT!>
> A poorly maintained diesel still runs cleaner than a poorly maintained
> gas engine.  The difference is purely cosmetic.  Diesels show their
> poor maintenance better than gas engines.
> > Like, say, all those people in the Hindenburg?
> That was a far larger amount of hydrogen wrapped in a highly flammable
> material.  The design was stupid.  Do you not realize that the
> storage and use of hydrogen has improved over the decades?  Why are
> you so ready to dismiss over 50 years of progress so easily?

I thought you were bright enough to realize that the way that the
Hindenburg stored it's H, and the way that a "heavier than air"
vehicle needs to store H is radically different.  In the Hindenburg,
the H was in gaseous form.  In a car/van/bus/SUV, it would have to
be *highly* compressed.

Thus, steel bottles, *highly* compressed gas, high velocities, large
masses, and people: the perfect ingredients for unpleasant outcomes.

Ron Johnson, Jr. ron.l.johnson@cox.net
Jefferson, LA USA

"What's your genius, perfect 20 years too late Monday morning 
quarterback answer to how the US should have responded to the 
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? Oh wait, you're just talking 
crap - you don't have a real answer, you're just regurgitating 
crap from NPR."

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