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Debian app to read some MS file format?

I've just been given a copy of the Farnell Electronics catalogue CD.
This has the unfortunate design of wanting to install some Windoze
package in order to read the catalogue.

I suspect that they've used a customised version of something fairly
common in the M$ world; the CD has a number of directories named
things like 'datadb', 'tabledb', 'worddb', containing files with the
suffices '.dat' and '.idx'.

The '.idx' files are all non-human-readable binary, with a certain
regularity as one might expect from what is presumably an index file;
some of them have near the end the letters of the alphabet
interspersed with = signs. The '.dat' files are a mixture, some being
almost entirely binary, some almost entirely text, some mostly binary
with a few lines of HTML every few K which seem to be product
descriptions or section headings of some sort.

The CD has the following .dlls, although these may only be for the

Could anyone who recognises this format, and knows of a Debian or
other Linux app that can read it, please let me know?



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