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Re: Funny failure of a CR system on debian-devel

On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 08:08:26 -0500, John Hasler <john@dhh.gt.org> said: 

> I wrote:
>> It didn't say that the secret had been received, only that
>> debian-devel had been whitelisted.  Nost likely, the user did so
>> manually.

> manoj writes:
>> And elected to recieve a message obviously spam and infected with a
>> virus?

> How would he have known that?  He had not seen the message yet if I
> understand correctly.  In any case, it seems more likely that he
> whitelisted the address manually than that the virus successfully
> returned the secret.

	If I am going to whitelist addresses caught in my spam trap
 manually, the least I would do is to grep the relevant messages out
 of the spam trap and see if whitelisting is the thing to do.

	Most likely, some reader of the mailing list sent in the
 secret as pay back for the annoyance of these silly CR messages
 that seem hell bent on spamming -devel (indeed, there was a
 short discussion whether TMDA should be thrown out of Debian
 since it seemed to so cluelessly spam the list)

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Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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