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Re: Problem in using pptp-linux

On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 22:22:22 +0800, 
James Ng Yuen Sum <james_nghk_debian_user@yahoo.com.hk> wrote in message
<[🔎] 3F4B6D1E.2080203@yahoo.com.hk>:

> Hi,
> I have to form the VPN(virtual private network) with my school to
> access my homework and newsgroup of my school.
> Therefore, i have downloaded the pptp-linux and following the
> instruction of my school's homepages which tell you how to config the
> pptp-linux.
> After i have downloaded and installed (with apt-get install
> pptp-linux), i have added the following line in /etc/ppp/pap-secrets:
> name vpn.xxx.xxx.xxx password, which name is the user name,
> vpn.xxx.xxx.xxx is the sites and password is the user's password in my
> school.
> Then i have replaced the content of the options with the following
> line
> lock
> debug
> mtu 1000
> nobsdcomp
> nodeflate
> noaccomp
> nopcomp
> novj
> defaultroute
> name xxxx
> Then the websites recommand me to form a script to access the vpn, the
> content is the following:
> #bin/sh
> /*pptp *vpn.xxx.xxx.xxx*
> debug
> name *xxx*
> remotename *vpn.xxx.xxx.xxx*
> noipdefault
> */
> Finally, i change the permission of this script
> chmod u+x xxxx(name of the script)
> ./connect: line 3: pptp: command not found
> ./connect: line 4: debug: command not found
> ./connect: line 5: name: command not found
> ./connect: line 6: remotename: command not found
> ./connect: line 7: noipdefault: command not found
> I do not know what wrong with my pptp-linux. Can anyone suggest how to
> config to address this problem?
> Regards,
> James Ng

..James, also check with the guys at the poptop list, I cc'ed 
this there, I recommend discussing this in both groups, as both 
poptop debian support and vice versa, could use improvement. 

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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