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Re: [Poptop-server] Re: Problem in using pptp-linux


The problem James Ng Yuen Sum is experiencing is with configuring the
PPTP client, which is supported by the PPTP client mailing list.  I'm
the release engineer for the client.  I lurk on the PPTP server mailing
list to assist occasionally.

His statement that "the web sites" recommended an erroneous shell script
is astounding.  I can only guess that such web sites are outside the
normal ones.  The instructions for installing PPTP client on Debian is
on the PPTP client web site, and they don't mention a script anything
like that:


I wrote these instructions and tested them on Debian GNU/Linux stable
(Woody), and continue to occasionally test them on the testing

So I'd ask James Ng Yuen Sum to tell the owner of the web site he is
referring to that their instructions are incorrect.  I cannot find the
instructions via Google, so I presume they are on a private web site.

There's nothing wrong with pptp-linux that I can see in the error
messages he shows us.  The problem is with the script provided by the
hidden web site.

James Cameron                         http://quozl.netrek.org/
HP Open Source, Volunteer             http://opensource.hp.com/
PPTP Client Project, Release Engineer http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/

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