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Re: exim 4 configuration (rewriting outgoing email)

On Tue, Aug 19, 2003 at 03:58:07PM +0200, Magnus Therning wrote:
| Is there a way to do rewriting for all users on a system without having
| to add a line in /etc/email-addresses for each user?

As long as the rewriting is regular.  (ie not unique for each user)

| E.g.: In /etc/email-addresses I currently have:
|  therning: therning@philips.com
| Similar rewriting rules would be necessary for every user on the system.
| I would like to do the following translation:
|  pc47168596.ddns.htc.nl.philips.com: philips.com

The short answer is "Yes it can be done (easily)".

Look at the rewriting section you already have.  It's the rule there
that makes /etc/email-addresses work the way it does.  Just add the
additional rules that you want.  Read the section of the exim spec on
rewriting so that you understand the options available to you.


After you install Microsoft Windows XP, you have the option to create
user accounts.  If you create user accounts, by default, they will have
an account type of administrator with no password.
                                                            -- bugtraq

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