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compiling uw imapd

I'm building UW imapd on a Debian Woody (x86) box. Building works fine,
and I can login via SSL, however plaintext logins are still not working.
I want to use either PAM or shadow passwords for cleartext logins.

/etc/pam.d/imap has:

auth     required       pam_unix_auth.so
account  required       pam_unix_acct.so
password required       pam_unix_passwd.so
session  required       pam_unix_session.so

I've built with:
../build SSLDIR=/usr SSLCERTS=/etc/ssl/certs slx

also with lnp instead of slx, and with the additions of CHECKPW=pam,
PASSWDTYPE=pam in varying combinations, but no luck - I still see:
LOGINDISABLED in the banner when I telnet to port 143. Any suggestions?

I can make my changes to the package and rebuild it if necessary, but
I'd rather just build from source.

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