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Re: OT: why I don't want CCs

* nori heikkinen (nori@sccs.swarthmore.edu) [030716 13:24]:
> on Wed, 16 Jul 2003 09:56:36PM +0200, martin f krafft insinuated:
> > also sprach nori heikkinen <nori@sccs.swarthmore.edu> [2003.07.16.2110 +0200]:
> > > > > http://jobsearch.monster.com/getjob.asp?JobID=18496386&AVSDM=2003%2D07%2D16+00%3A13%3A00&CCD=my%2Emonster%2Ecom&JSD=jobsearch%2Emonster%2Ecom&HD=company%2Emonster%2Ecom&AD=http%3A%2F%2Fjobsearch%2Emonster%2Ecom%2Fjobsearch%2Easp%3Fbrd%3D1%2C1862%2C1863%26lid%3D316%26fn%3D543%26fn%3D6%26fn%3D660%26fn%3D554%26jt%3D2%26q%3D%26tm%3D%26cy%3DUS%26sq%3D%26col%3Ddltci&Logo=1&col=dltci&cy=US&brd=1%2C1862%2C1863&lid=316&fn=543%2C+6%2C+660%2C+554&q=
> > > > 
> > > > my mutt has no problems with that, and neither does urlview.
> > > 
> > > but suppose you want to then see it in a browser?
> > 
> > apt-get install urlview
> > man urlview
> > 
> > then hit ctrl-b in the index or while viewing the message.
> oh, i see what you mean.  but that will only work locally, right?
> right now i read my email off xterms from one machine, while using a
> browser local to another.

Does the remote machine have a webserver?  You could set your
urlhandler to append the URL to a bookmarks-style file, then just
navigate to that page locally, and click the last link.

Or it could even rewrite an .htaccess so that a particular location
automatically redirects to the most recent url processed by urlhandler,
and then you have a bookmark to that location on your local browser.

If you have no web server, you could try to feed it into a 'mozilla
-remote' somehow.  If you only have one-way connectivity (you can only
connect _to_ the remote box, and not initiate a 'reverse' connection),
you could just have the urlhandler dump the URL in a file in a known
location, and run a script locally that does something like 'mozilla
-remote "openurl($(ssh remotehost cat urlfile))"' (that's just for proof
of concept; I'm sure it wouldn't run as is -- especially not without
being more careful about quotes).

Anyway, just a few ideas.  I don't think you're SOL just yet.

Of course, for the particular URL in question, this much will suffice:



good times,
int main() {
    puts("Reader! Think not that \n"
         "technical information \n"
         "ought not be called speech;");
    return 0;

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