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Where to set moz GUI font?

This was my experience with the Mozilla GUI font:

1) Moz 1.0 running on Woody: no particular problem. But of course
this is 1.0, and Woody, and one likes to upgrade.

2) After upgrade to Sarge, Moz is still 1.0, but Moz´s GUI font is
very ugly. This is caused by a bad Helvetica font and/or a bad
Type1 font renderer in the Sarge version of xserver-xfree86, as
explained in


The solution is to move the line

        FontPath        "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"

to the bottom of the list of FontPaths in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.
The Mozilla GUI font is no longer pig-ugly, but some acceptable
anti-aliased sans-serif font. Well, bold. I´d like it better if it
were somewhat thinner.

3) Then (keeping a Sarge system in principle but installing Moz
1.3 from unstable) the GUI font changes *again*. Now it is a
non-bold, anti-aliased, very tiny, serif font (probably Times New
Roman). I don´t like it but do not know how to change it.

QUESTION: with Moz's Edit, Preferences, Appearance, Fonts the
font(s) of Moz´s *content* can be set. But where can the *GUI*
font be set (and fixed against the effects of upgrades)?

Regards, Jan

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