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apt resources

Hello all. Can anyone suggest, or would you even recommend at all for that matter, some good non-official apt sources for debs that are not officially supported by the project? Particularly for software that is not available in any of the current active branches of woody. And while were on the topic of apt, how could i specify two or more repositories for packages in my sources file and have it ask me from which one to retrieve from when doing an update or install? I don't mean in the sense where I provide 2 or more mirrored repositories for the sake of redundancy and fault tolerance, but for the sake of say references to both testing and unstable(or in the case of my original question an official site and a non-official one) in my sources list and apt requesting me to specify which location to pull from. I think I may have heard it referred to as "pinning". Is this correct? Well, thanks in advance to any advice or suggestions any of you may have, I know you all have an opinion:) This mailing list is great. Long live Debian!

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