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Problem installting Debian 3.0 Woody via NFS Packages.gz corupt

Hi all,

I am trying to install Woody via NFS .
I  the content of all CDs into on directory and exported it as an NFS-share.

As I read on the internet I did an

dpkg-scanpackages pool/main /dev/null |gzip > dists/woody/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz

for pool/main,pool/non-US/main etc... from the main dir of the share.

( I tried also gzip with options -c or -9c and tried to gzip the file manually leaving out the pipe to gzip ---> same problem)

Then I used the woody cd1 to boot the client and start an installation over nfs (after having configured the network. I tried with and without DHCP)

The Kernel is loaded but when the Base-system is installing
after I selected /instmnt where the share is mounted as installation source I get an error message /instmnt/dists/woody/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz was corrupt"

I tried to do the dpkg-scanpackages on a SuSE8.2 Professional (I must admit) and the Share is also on a SuSE8.2 Professional machine. When I compare the gunziped file to one I did with "credative Linux on CD" (something like knoppix but build of woody only) all information seems to be identical but the order is different (e.g. md5sum and installed-size and vice-versa). The original CD1 has got a different order but the same info per Package. So I am not sure if the order is the problem.

When I change the nfs-share to the contents of CD1 which I also copied to a separate dir (which means the content of CD1 is used) the installation works properly.So it does not look like a Problem with SuSE or NFS.

I spent almost two days searching groups etc. All I can do now is cry for help ;-(

I can't see what's wrong.

Any suggestions ??

Thanks in advance

Note: I am not sure if this is the right newsgroup for the problem but I hope so. If not -sorry- . I will post it to some other groups as well as I am going slightly mad :-(

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