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X server fails to start

I have difficulties starting the X server on a machine running debian
testing.  I have installed xserver-common_4.2.1-6 and
xserver-xfree86_4.2.1-6 and use the frame buffer device.  The kernel
is 2.4.18-bf2.4 with frame buffer support:

    $ grep fb /proc/devices
     29 fb

When I start the X server by just typing X in a root shell, the server
exits displaying the message

    (EE) FBDEV(0): EGA/VGA Planes are not supprted yet by drivers/fbdev.(II) UnloadModule: "fbdev"

I haven't found a solution to this problem here or in google.  Is this
a known problem?  How can I fix it?

I have temporarily put the full log file from the X server and the
XF86config-4 file on http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/users/thuerman/X/
but I can also send it here if desired.


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