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Re: Apache-Perl cant create directories...sort of

On Mon, May 19, 2003 at 07:43:12PM +0200, Juan Antonio Agudo wrote:
> This is on of the strangest thing i've ever seen in dealing with Perl
> scripts on apache. I just moved my site to another Server and now I end
> up getting errors from movabletype when I want to "Publish" an entry.
> The error alway is the same:
> "An error occurred:
> mkdir /www: Permission denied at 

/www?  As in in /?

> /var/www/<path.to.site>/html/cgi-bin/lib/MT/FileMgr/Local.pm line 104"
> The strange thing is, that if I use the same Method to create a
> directory like the author, Benjamin Trott, does - it works just fine.
> I used the following script to test this behaviour:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use CGI;
> use CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser );
> use File::Path;
> File::Path::mkpath("/var/www/<path.to.site>/html/xxx", 0, 0777);

That's in /var/www/

> All directories below /var/www have are
> chown www-data.www-data and cgis have chmod 711.
> Has anyone some clues what could have caused this?

It's almost certainly because your perl script (correctly) does NOT have
write permissions to /.  Modify the script to try to write it somewhere
more useful, like /var/www/blah/ instead of /www.  Or at least create
/www with the correct permissions.

Rob Weir <rweir@ertius.org>  |   mlspam@ertius.org   |   http://www.ertius.org/
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