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Re: router question

On Sat, 2003-05-17 at 05:08, Michael wrote:
> Hi,  I'm a debian user, but am not really up on sysadmin stuff, and I 
> haven't
> been able to find the answer to a question.  In fact, I'm not even sure 
> what
> kind of a question it is.
>   So my question for this list server is either [a] does anyone know the 
> answer,
> or [b] does anyone know which list server I should be asking on?
>    Essentially, my ISP has a ethernet link to a relay server, and from
Do you mean a Mail Relay server: a central server that collects mail
from local users/server. This server is the one that acctually sends the
mail to the net. The other ones send their mail to it. The Relay
'masquerades' the mail.
> there, via
> serial network, a radio/dish link to their home base, at which point they
> send the data via landline to their home office, and from there, I think 
> it goes
> via Hughes satellite/land link to whereever it belongs. 
I am perplexed by the previous paragraph.
>    They have their own website, www.siltec.lt, on the local network, just
> two computers away from mine.  It also functions as an smtp server.
>    Oh, yes, they're linux.  Either Lilo, or Redhat, but I'm not sure how 
> to ask
> questions of them.  But if I can get an idea from Debian, then that 
> should be
> enough.  I'm familiar with Debian, and can probably figure things out from
> there.
>     I'd like them to reroute all  mysite.siltec.lt  to my relay server, 
> and thence
> to me.  They have no idea how to do it.  
The Apache webserver has a feature: virtual domains. With it you use one
IP address but host many domains.eg:
www.site.com is on computer 1
my.site.com is on computer 2
the apache webserver is on computer 3 and has net access.
both www.site.com and my.site.com point to address
The apache webserver get the request for www.site.com and directs the
request to computer 1
then get a request for my.site.com and directs the request to computer 2

>     I think this involves two jobs:
>     (1) adjusting the relay server
>     (2) Adjusting something in their own "www." server
Do you mean adjust both relaying of mail to your machine via the mail
relay and
servering pages to my.site.com by configuing apache with virtual
HTH (hope this helps)
> Can anyone tell me where I would find this info, or what keywords I 
> should be
> looking up for each project, or what listserver I should be asking this on?
>   - Mike Rudmin
Kevin Mark <kmark@pipeline.com>

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