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Re: Neighbour table overflow

I think it's because your loopback device is not activated
add the following lines into /etc/network/interfaces
# The loopback interface
# automatically added when upgrading
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

Michael S Daines wrote:
I get a lot of these messages, saying "Neighbour table overflow" during boot.  They don't seem to do anything horrific, since everything is (was, my fault) working fine as far as I can tell.  Can someone explain the nature of this error message, and point me in a direction on how I might be able to eliminate them?  I'm running Woody (r0) on a Dell laptop.


"It's a little sobering. When you're training for this, you joke about, you can't wait for the real thing. Then when you see it, when you see the real thing, you never want to see it again."
- CAPT. SAL AGUILAR, after a battle near Baghdad.

Boukhairi Abderahim
Les femmes sont de deux sortes:
celles qui commandent et celles qui n'obéissent pas.
1010101111011110 binaire = 125736 octal = 43998 decimal = ABDE hexadecimal ;)

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