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Re: Wagner: "Actions speak louder than words:They're saying 'Linux Sucks'"

Rob VanFleet wrote:
On Fri, Apr 11, 2003 at 01:00:54AM -0600, Art Lemasters wrote:

 Has anyone here see the following, and if so, has anyone
answered Wagner's propaganda?

Um.  It's not propaganda.  It's basically trolling for page impressions,
and you just played right into their hands.  Articles like this are
targeting to drum up readership.  Write up a controversial article that
really irks a lot of people and you can rest assured that those who
vehemently disagree with you will become your best source of
advertising.  Think about it.  You just spammed this guys article to the
entirety of debian-user, one of the more populous mailing lists on the
net.  All you've really accomplished to to encourage this guy to write
more articles just like that one.


  "...page impressions?"  Is that a new marketing term?  I've been involved
in a socio-political struggle while studying and advising on convincing
political speech for over ten years--and quite succesfully so.  How long
have you studied propaganda?

  A few hundred hits from one list won't make that much difference to an
online news publication.  The millions of readers of a publication like
worldtribune.com will make a difference--a negative difference after reading
Wagner's spew.

  Our response to such a slam as Wagner's in political activism would be
to threaten the publication with boycott and to publish opposing viewpoints
in a competing publication.  It wouldn't be to flame the messenger and
poke our heads back in the sand.

  I've run Debian Linux for eight years and subscribed to the list again
(after several years off the list) last night.  After my first post
(heads'-up about Wagner's story slamming Linux security), I'm flamed with
false accusations that I spammed the debian-user list with off-topic material.

  Is there another list for Debian public relations issues?  We once
discussed public relations, occasionally.  Is this list coming to the
youthful rudeness we once saw on the FreeBSD list?

  And BTW, what is "CC EAL4" security certification, and what does it
cover?  Does it cover the many virii that eclipse corporate MicroSnot
networks daily, requiring images to be reinstalled at great expense?
I don't see that happening to Linux networks, but then most corporates
don't see Linux networks.  They see what they have, and, of course,
columns like Wagner's.

  I'll use and write about the OS that works the best and has the most
reasonable user cooperation.  And that's why I'm resubscribed for now.


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