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Boot problem

I have two Linuxes on my system -- one per hard disk.  I run Libranet 2.0 from /dev/hda3, Tater Deb on hdb3 (I was curious about "pure" version), and, ahem, Winblows on hda1.  I use Grub to manage the booting (came w/Libranet).

Here's the rub-- 
one of times after which I recompiled a 2.4.16 kernel for the Official Deb (I got the source pkg. from the Libranet CD's), and carefully modified the /boot/grub/menu.lst on Libranet, I got a kernel panic on the subsequent boot.

Here are the exact 5 last lines (they all seemed relevant):

request_module[ide-disk]: Root fs not mounted
hdb: driver not present
VFS: Cannot open root device "hdb3" or 03:43
Please append a correct "root=" boot option
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:43 (is this a sector or block designation or something?)

These two next pieces of info. may be relevant as well:
* I remember the last lines from the std. output of the last make bzImage before the panic in question said something about the image being created at I think 3,67 -- or some 3,XX that WASN'T the 43 referenced above.

* when I booted into the official Deb. (again, on /dev/hdb3) with a 
"rescue root=/dev/hdb3"  and ran fdisk to check the partitioning, fdisk says 
that /dev/hdb3 overlaps /dev/hdb1 (don't ask where /dev/hdb2 went, I haven't 
the foggiest).

Are there some arguments I can put in the /boot/grub/menu.lst statement about where to find where the real kernel image actually lives?


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