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Re: using diff command

Cameron Hutchison wrote:
Once upon a time Curtis Vaughan said...

Basically, the issue is this, I have 2 files: File1 File2

Both are text files. File1 was File2 a day ago. Since then File2 has had additional information tagged on to it (it's a log file). All I want to see is what information has been added since yesterday. So, I would think that "diff File2 File1" should provide me with that information. But all I ever get is a message that the files differ. I have tried with various arguments, but no luck.

Does the message you get actually say: "*Binary* files File2 and File1
differ"? [emphasis mine].

If so, diff is seeing some non-ascii characters in the file and treating
them as binary.

$ diff -a File1 File2

-a says to treat all files as text.

Thanks to everyone who replied, but the -a parameter worked.


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