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Mozilla and TrueType


To enable TrueType support for Mozilla at work I configure my
/etc/mozilla/prefs.js as follows:

// TrueType
pref("font.FreeType2.enable", true);
pref("font.freetype2.shared-library", "libfreetype.so.6");
pref("font.FreeType2.autohinted", true);
pref("font.FreeType2.unhinted", false);
pref("font.antialias.min",        10);
pref("font.directory.truetype.1", "/usr/share/fonts/truetype");

I have copied some .ttf files inside this directory. But Mozilla only
allows me to select these fonts if the directory, owned by root, is
world writable, as I have detected that a .mozilla_font_summary.ndb
file needs first to be created and later to be open for writing.

I'd like to know the usage for this file. I also wonder if there is some
kind of workaround that allows me to avoid having that
/usr/share/fonts/truetype directory world writable, as if I install
the msttcorefonts package, those fonts show up in Mozilla without the
need of changing /usr/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType permissions. Any info
will be very useful. Thanks.

Regards, Ismael

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