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serial line laptop console for headless setup

hey -users,

i'm thinking that this computer sitting right by my bed, which
is on 24/7 and producing profuse amounts of noise, really ought to
be moved into my closet, far away from the monitor on my desktop
(which would still be used for another workstation that goes
on and off) and coincidentally, far away from my bed.  so i've got this
extra laptop with a serial port, and i'm thinking it'd make a nice console
for this machine, such that i could open my closet door, flip up the lcd,
and look at stuff if something ever went wrong, and at the same time be
able to close the closet door and get a silent night's sleep.

so, without even googling or apt-cache'ing, i found
/usr/share/doc/HOWTO/en-txt/Serial-Laplink-HOWTO.gz, already on my
system, which looks pretty promising.  however i'd still like to field
some opinions/experience from anyone on the list who's done something
similar, so i might be able to avoid pitfalls, find shortcuts, et c...


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