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Re: SSL Encrypiton

On Tue, Feb 18, 2003 at 01:11:16PM +0200, Tinus Kotze wrote:
> I am interested in SSL encryption. I am on a LAN with ftp servers using 
> SSL encryption(implecit) and some are using standard text. Is it 
> possible to access the ssl ftp servers from debian with a GUI like gFTP?

That of course depends on the program.  Try and see!  That said, a
quick look at gftp-{text,gtk}'s dependencies with apt-cache show do not
show a dependency on either OpenSSL or GNUTLS, so I'd say no.  wget (or
wget-ssl in <sarge) does though.  If you're worried about security
though, why not use ssh or scp or sftp?

> I am not currently subscribed so I would appreciate it if you could send 
> me the mail to my adress, and not just to the user group. I am running 
> Debian Unstable.

I have, but to try subscribe in future, you're more likely to get help,
and you'll be able to help others, too.

Rob Weir <rweir@ertius.org>				http://ertius.org/

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