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mailman permissions weirdness.

can someone explain this to me:

the /var/log/mailman/error logfile has permissions
  -rw-rw-r-- root list

mailman's cron jobs run as list, mailman's web interface as www-data.

i tried changing the permissions to

  -rw-rw-r-- list adm

but now I am getting permission denied errors when trying to use the
website -- mailman cannot open the logfile. all the cron stuff (i.e.
mailman core functionality) still works.

so i am wondering: www-data doesn't have any more rights with the
original permission settings than it does with the new settings.
moreover, www-data is not included in either of these permissions, so
it's always 'others'.

what difference do the permissions make, then?

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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