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Re: LPI Certification (revisited)

Keith O'Connell wrote:


I just took part one (101) out of curiosity when they gave the exam for free at the recent linux world. Part one isn't good for anything by itself, you need to complete one + two for the basic level of certification, but I'm still pretty much a newbie in a lot of areas & I did it kind of last-minute without a lot of time to study. I did manage to scrape by.

following on from a recent thread, I was wondering if someone could
answer a few general questions about the LPI exams.

1: is the exam computer based?
	(ie: pick one or more from five, or is it free text

it's mostly multiple choice with a couple fill-in-the-blank answers. Their site does say "computer-based tests"..

2: Is the a "hands-on" component to the test



3: How many questions

I don't remember, 150-200 I'd guess

4: How long is the test

They don't try to rush you, I think they give you a few hours. It took me about an hour and a half

5: Can you go back and do questions you passed over?
   Can you correct answers if you revisit and change your mind?

Yes, it's just a booklet + an answer sheet + a pencil type of exam.

It wasn't hard, but the questions have a sort of trivia quality in that you either know the answer or you don't. I thought it did a good job focusing on general knowledge for all aspects of running linux in a non-distro-specific way, & I wasn't surprised by the results at all -- that is, my scores reflected my own assessment of my skills. The scores come back in these sections:

Hardware & Architecture
Linux Installation & Package Management
GNU & Unix Commands
Devices, Linux Filesystems, Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

I think I got all the rpm questions wrong.. & I know very little about hardware & architecture so I scored appropriately there.. & I expected to do better with the command line than x configuration, which I did

Aside from my personal experience, their site will probably answer your questions better than I can


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