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Rethinking mail

Now that I've gotten my Woody system up and running with Gnome and my

cheap little modem running, both with generous help from this list and

the XF86Free list, I wanted to take a fresh look at my mail environment


When I was previously up with Potato, I used mutt and exim. Exim was

somewhat complex getting up and running, but I still have my old

exim.conf to consult as well as the published O'Reilly manual


Now that I'm up in a graphical environment, do these two still make the

same sense? Is mutt available for my notebook, running under Windows XP?


I still have 10GB available on my Dell notebook. While I need to run

proprietary browsers available only under windows, linux is always a

consideration too for mail and browsers, although I sense I may invite a

confusing situation even while technically more elegant in many regards


For now, I'm running Microsoft's Outlook, which also contains my

calendar and addressbook, and editing all but simple email using vim

while trying to evolve a clean, coherent mail format


I'd welcome any feedback from the list






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