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Re: Console fonts in rxvt

On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 05:51:41PM +0000, Colin Watson wrote:
>On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 11:46:55AM -0500, George Georgalis wrote:
>> Have you done it? I've tried single / double quotes and "\ " to no
>> avail... but I am setting a variable ($fn) and using -fn $fn on the
>> command line (in a script). maybe that's my problem?
>Word splitting happens after parameter expansion, so spaces in $fn will
>be treated as word separators. Use -fn "$fn" instead.

Doh! that little expansion rule gets me all the time... even when I'm
thinking of it.  Here's the script that now has the font I wanted,

# rxvt.sh, custom rxvt settings.
# Processes two parameters, a foreground color and a command (with args)
# to execute. Both are optional but a color must accompany a command.
# $1 = rxvt foreground color or defined default
# $2 = command to run and any command paramaters 
# Since I'm always using ssh as a command, I prefer '-title "$*"'
# but you may prefer '-title "$title"'
# '-name' is for setting Xresources, untested.
# GNU (c) 2003 George Georgalis, george@galis.org

[ -n "$1" ] && foreground=$1 && shift
[ -z "$1" ] && title=$(basename $0) && cmd=""
[ -n "$1" ] && title=$@ && ex='-e' && cmd="$1" && shift
fn="-jmk-neep alt-medium-r-normal-*-*-180-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1"
fb="-jmk-neep alt-medium-r-normal-*-*-180-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1"
export LC_ALL=C
exec \
/usr/bin/rxvt  \
-title "$*" \
-name  "$*" \
-geometry 100x27 \
-bg black \
-fg $foreground \
-fn "$fn" \
-fb "$fb" \
-cr $cursor \
-pr $cursor \
-bd $foreground \
-sl 999 -ls -ut +vb +sb +si -sk $ex $cmd $@ &

# a non zero -sl requires 14 extra pixels in the geom x position

// George

GEORGE GEORGALIS, System Admin/Architect    cell: 347-451-8229 
Security Services, Web, Mail,            mailto:george@galis.org 
Multimedia, DB, DNS and Metrics.       http://www.galis.org/george 

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