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Re: [newbie] - apt-cache / dpkg question???

On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 10:32:44AM -0600, Jeff Hahn wrote:
> How do I get a list of packages including what distribution they came
> from???
> Something like dpkg -l saying "perl-5.8.0/unstable"
That's not generally possible, since packages are not tagged with their
origin.  'apt-cache policy bleh' will show you where they would come
from *now*, though.

> So I can tell what "questionable" packages I have on the system...

'questionable' == 'from sid'?  The simple trick would be to look at
those which depend on libc6 >= 2.3.1.  But why?  Sid's not that much
more unstable than sarge in general, and the majority of sid packages
are probably far less buggy than their sarge versions at the moment,
since sarge hasn't seen bug fixes in *months*.

Rob Weir <rweir@ertius.org>				http://ertius.org/

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