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Re: columbia -- what really happened

Vikki Roemer wrote:
On Tue, Feb 04, 2003 at 06:02:21PM +1100, Joyce, Matthew wrote:

OTOH, space exploration and research improves everyone's lives-- new
medicines and medical techniques, etc.  So how is it a waste?  How is
it anymore of a waste than welfare and socialized medicine?  Not
trying to start a flame war, just asking a serious question here--
welfare just rewards people for being lazy and not working, in my
experience.  Believe me, I knew a lot of kids in school who *aspired*
to 'being like my parents' or 'being like [best friend's] parents' and
being paid to sit around at home all day and have fun, collecting
welfare. *sigh*

IMHO, space work should be only unmanned satellite launches, with all
the saved money used on more fusion power programs. Space exploration
should proceed after making a viable source of long lasting fusion power.

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