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Re: Disk formatting


On Sun, Feb 02, 2003 at 08:30:51PM -0500, Jonathan Brandmeyer wrote:
> Now, I found that /home has taken up almost all of /'s available space. 
> So, I created a new logical partion from some free space, as /dev/hdb5
> (~2GB)

just wait, /var will probably be your next culprit :)

> My question is: How can I format the new partition as ext3, and move
> /home to it safely?

mount /dev/hdb5 /mnt
rsync -a /home/* /mnt
umount /mnt
mv /home /home.old
mount /dev/hdb5 /home

and you're running.

then put /dev/hdb5 in /etc/fstab as /home, and you're set across reboots. 
note that you don't have to use rsync (there's cp,tar,pax...), but i
use it so much these days it's the one for which i could remember the 
preserving options easiest.


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